About Me

On June 10, 2022, I graduate from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM) to earn my bachelor of science degree in physics. I am also a CMS Experiment Collaborator, supervised by Dr. Sudir Malik.

Spring 2021 IRIS-HEP Fellow.
I worked on the "Translating analyses into prototype analysis systems" project, mentored by Dr. Jim Pivarski, to translate the CMS Open Data Higgs to 4 leptons analysis from its original ROOT code to a python code that uses COFFEA and Awkward-array tools. Read my project documentation here.

Research Activities

  • PRISM-JMT conference at University of Puerto Rico - Humacao
  • Presented at-the-time results of the physics parameter studies of the Geant4 CMS simulation software.

  • CMS Data Analysis School
  • Analyze CMS open data in a bash shell using software tools such as CMSSW and ROOT.

  • Virtual Outreach Workshop
  • Taught Markdown and LaTex syntax and basic python to K-12 STEM teachers, using provided Google Colab notebooks.

  • CMS Open Data Workshop by Fermilab LPC
  • Learned to scout CMS open data and perform analysis on them using software tools such as a Docker image of a CMSSW.

  • Github CI/CD workshop
  • Learned to use Github Actions to automatically build and test codebases.